
Finally, something sweet from Microsoft

Microsoft unveiled the latest version of its mobile phone software Tuesday as it seeks to claw back market share from Apple and Google.
New York - Microsoft unveiled the latest version of its mobile phone software on Tuesday as it seeks to claw back market share from Apple and Google.

The Redmond, Washington-based software powerhouse said the latest version of its Windows Phone operating system, code-named "Mango," offers more than 500 new features.

Mango will be available for free to existing Windows Phone 7 customers and will ship on new phones this fall from Samsung, LG and HTC and new partners Acer, Fujitsu and ZTE.

Microsoft said it is also working on Mango handsets with new partner Nokia, the Finnish mobile phone titan which announced in February that it would begin using Microsoft's software as its smartphone operating system.

Mango comes seven months after the release of the first smartphones running Windows Phone 7, which were well received by analysts but failed to catch on with the public.

"Seven months ago we started our mission to make smartphones smarter and easier for people to do more," said Andy Lees, president of Microsoft's Mobile Communications, who presented Mango to reporters at an event in New York.

"With 'Mango,' Windows Phone takes a major step forward in redefining how people communicate and use apps and the Internet, giving you better results with less effort," Lees said.

Mango uses Internet Explorer 9 as the phone's Web browser and attempts to simplify the smartphone experience.

Microsoft said Mango organises information "around the person or group people want to interact with, not the app they have to use."

It allows users to switch between text, Facebook chat and Windows Live Messenger and integrates Twitter and LinkedIn feeds.

Mango also includes "built-in Facebook check-ins and new face detection software that makes it easier to quickly tag photos and post to the Web," Microsoft said.

Technology research company Gartner said last month that Google's Android mobile operating system will power nearly half of the smartphones worldwide by the end of next year with a 49.2 percent market share.

The market share for Apple's iPhone's was forecast to remain relatively stable at 18.9 percent in 2012.

Microsoft's Windows mobile operating system will account for 5.6 percent of the smartphone market at the end of 2011 but will rise to 10.8 percent in 2012, according to Gartner.

1 (鳥獣の)鉤爪(かぎづめ)(のある足);((通例〜s))(昆虫の)つめ;(エビ・カニ・サソリなどの)はさみ;(人の,やせて長い)手. ⇒NAIL[名]2, TALON 1

2 鉤爪状の物[道具](くぎ抜きなど);つめ状に並んだもの.

3 ((米俗))警官.

cut [clip] the claws of ...


get [have] one's claws into [in] ...


in [within] one's claws




1 …を(つめ・手などで)裂く,ひっかく,つかむ,引っ張る,かきむしる

claw hold of ...

The child clawed the present open.

2 …をつめ[手]で(ひっかいて)作る

claw a hole in the sand

3 〈道を〉かき分けて進む;苦難を越えて達する

claw one's way up

4 ((米俗))〈人を〉逮捕[拘留]する.


1 つめでひっかく[裂く,掘る]((away));(…に)つめでつかまろうとする((at ...)).

2 (…を)手探りする[して捜す]((for ...)).

3 ((スコット))(かゆい所を)軽くかく.

claw ... back/claw back ...


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