
Google Docs for Android Converts Photos Into Text Docs

So Android users, was this worth the five-month delay after the Apple iOS Google Docs app?
On Wednesday, Google launched an official Google Docs app for Android that can convert photos of text into text documents, but still uses a web browser to edit docs.
In a blog post, Google wrote, "With this new app it's easy to filter and search for your own content across any Google account, then jump straight into editing docs using the online mobile editors. The app also allows you to easily share items with contacts on your phone, right from within the app."
But as some users have already noted, and we later verified with a Nexus One, the app basically uses a Web browser to load and edit documents – the interface is the same as you'd find through your own mobile browser, except with more limitations. For instance you can't delete individual Google documents, access stored music, video, or PDF files, or edit rich text files.
But wait! It does have one unmatched feature you won't find in the iOS version launched last December. Using the same technology behind Google Goggles, called "optical character recognition" (OCR), the app can parse text from a photo and convert it into a document.
For instance, after I clicked "create a new document from photo," I photographed a printed product description for guitars, and the app automatically converted it into a text document. It doesn't work for handwriting, special fonts, or non-English languages for now, Google said. Click on the slideshow below to see the results.
The app also introduces a widget to your home screen that lets you jump to starred documents, take a photo to upload, or create a new document in a single tap.


Amazon's EC2 contract promises its infrastructure cloud will provide 99.95 per cent "uptime" over the course of a year. But that doesn't mean the company will dish out credits in the wake of the outage that affected some users for as many as four days, if not more.
Though the EC2 service level agreement says users will be eligible to receive credits if the service doesn't meet a 99.95 per cent "annual uptime percentage" within a particular geographical region, this only applies to users who have spread their applications across multiple "availability zones" – subsections of Amazon's regional services designed not to fail at the same time.
The outage did hit multiple zones in EC2's East Region – served up from at least one facility in Northern Virginia – but it appears that multiple zones were affected for only about three hours.
Amazon has yet provide details about the outage, and many third-party commentators have failed to realize that the service level agreement is more complex that it seems. The availability zone setup continues to cause confusion, in part because people don't actually read SLAs, but also because Amazon has yet to describe how the zones are designed and how they operate.
At 1:41am Pacific time on Thursday, Amazon said with a post to its status page that it was investigating connectivity issues with its Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) service, which provides on-demand access to processing power across the net. According to one status message, the problem began with a "network event" that caused the service to re-mirror a large number of Elastic Block Storage volumes in the East Region. Elastic Block Storage provides storage that's independent of particular server instances on EC2.
Amazon divides EC2 into multiple geographic regions, and some regions – including the East Region – are divided into multiple "availability zones". Amazon has always said that these zones are protected from each other's outages. "Availability Zones are distinct locations that are engineered to be insulated from failures in other Availability Zones," the company's website reads. But the East Region outage spread across multiple zones.
Some felt that Amazon had broken its promise over availability zones. But the particulars of the service-level agreement add a new twist to this discussion. "'Annual Uptime Percentage' is calculated by subtracting from 100% the percentage of 5 minute periods during the Service Year in which Amazon EC2 was in the state of 'Region Unavailable'," the agreement reads. "'Region Unavailable'...means that more than one Availability Zone in which you are running an instance, within the same Region, is 'Unavailable' to you."
According to Amazon's status messages, multiple availability zones experienced problems for about three hours on Thursday, then the problem was isolated in the zone where it began. John Engates, the chief technology officier at Rackspace, which operates a cloud service similar to Amazon's, believes Amazon is unlikely to provide many credits in the wake of the outage.
"More than one availability would have to go down for you to receive a credit, and you have to be down for a considerable about of time," Engates told us during a conversation at this week's OpenStack design summit in Santa Clara, California. "I really doubt they're pay a lot on credits."
Rackspace's Cloud Servers service does not provide a setup analogous to Amazon's availability zones. The Rackspace service-level agreement guarantees uptime for particular components within each service region, including its network, its data center infrastructure, and individual hosts. The company operates separate data centers in Texas, Chicago, and London.
Judging from Amazon's status messages, Engates says, he believes that Amazon's outage spread across multiple availability zones because the company was using availability zones to mirror Elastic Block Storage data for other zones. "Rather than replicating data within a zone, I think they were replicating between zones," he said. "And it seems that when they had a failure in one zone, traffic waterfalled into the other zones. It's like if there was a fire in a hotel. We would have to evacuate to the hotel across the street, and there may not be enough room in the hotel across the street for everyone to get a room."
It appears that the outage affected only those who were using Amazon's Elastic Block Storage service.
Engates says that Amazon's cloud service and its service-level agreement is set up in such as way that users must ensure redundancy across zones – if not across entire regions. "You have to think about how to allocate your application across multiple resources to maximize that SLA," he said. "Those that did so – NetFlix is one example of a big customer – did not experienced the same kind of outages as people who were very localized. You could put some of the blame on Amazon, but some of the blame on the customer."
Yes, multiple zones were hit by the outage. But Amazon does not promise 100 per cent availability. The company has said, however, that it is unable to restore EBS volumes for some customers. About 0.07 per cent of EBS volumes in the East Region, a status message indicates, "will not be fully recoverable".

[名](複 ~・es)
1 盛り皿,大皿,はち(▼取り皿(plate)に対し食べ物を盛って食卓に置く大皿)
wooden dishes
a vegetable dish
put ... in [on] a dish
2 ((the ~es))((集合的))(一般に)皿,食器(plates, bowls, cups and saucersなど). ▼紙製品は含まない
clear away the dishes
do [wash] the dishes
3 皿に盛られた食べ物;(一般に)料理,食品
Chinese dishes
one's favorite dish
a heavy [a plain] dish
a standard dish
a cold dish
a dish fit for a king
a covered dish supper
4 1皿,1はち
a dish of ice cream
5 皿に似たもの;(車輪中心部の皿状の)へこみ(具合);皿形[パラボラ]アンテナ(dish antenna [aerial]).
6 ((略式))セクシーな人,(特に)女性,美女.
7 ((one's ~))((俗))好みの[得意の,要求にぴったりの]もの.
8 ((俗))野球本塁.
9 ((俗))ゴシップ記事,うわさ話.
1 〈食べ物を〉皿に盛る,よそう,盛りつける,〈人に〉(食事を)皿に盛って供する((up))
dish the dinner up
2 …をはち形にする,くぼませる
a dished face
3 ((主に英))〈敵などを〉料理する,やっつける;〈計画などを〉くつがえす;〈希望などを〉くじく.
dish it out
You can dish it out but you can't take it.
dish ... out/dish out ...
(2)〈ビラなどを〉(…に)(たっぷり)配る,分配する((to ...)).
(3)〈助言・罰などを〉(…に)与える((to ...)).
dish up
dish up for him
[dish ... up/dish up ...]
He dished up the story in a humorous way.

1 (…に)選ばれるのにふさわしい((for, as ...));適格な,選ぶに値する;(…する)資格のある((to do));(特に結婚相手として)適当な,〈女性が〉妙齢の
eligible voters
an eligible bill
2 アメフトフォーワードパスを受ける資格がある.
[後ラテン語ligibilis(-外へ+ligere選ぶ+-BLE=選ぶ資格のある). △ELECT, ELEGANT]

1 ((米))停電(power outages), 動力停止(((英))power failure).
2 (積み出し中に生じた商品の)目減り.

1 〈人・物を〉(危険な地域などから;安全な場所へ)立ち退かせる,避難させる,救出する((from ...;to ...));〈町・地域などから〉(安全のために)住民を移す
Women and children were evacuated from the war zone.
2 〈町・国・家・部屋などを〉明け渡す,引き払う
evacuate a building
3 〈容器・内容物などを〉あける,からにする;〈ガス・水などを〉吸い出す,くみ出す.
4 軍事〈兵隊などを〉(…から)後送する,撤退させる((from ...));〈占領地域・とりでなどから〉撤退する,撤兵する.
5 ((形式))〈糞(ふん)便などを〉排出[排泄(はいせつ)]する,排便する;〈器官などから〉(内容物を)排出する((of ...)).
6 〈恐怖などが〉〈体・心などから〉(力などを)奪う((of ...)).
1 (危険を避けて)避難する,立ち退く,疎開する;〈軍隊が〉撤退する.
2 ((形式))排泄する.
[ラテン語vacutus (-外へ+vacuusからの+-ATE1=からにする). △VACUUM, VACUOUS]


Microsoft has warned users of its Xbox Live online gaming service of possible attempts to steal personal data after the Sony PlayStation Network was hacked.

The problem appeared to be restricted to one game, the popular Modern Warfare 2, the US computer giant said.

"Users may receive potential phishing attempts via title specific messaging while playing Modern Warfare 2," it said on the XBox Live Status website.

"We are aware of the problem and are working to resolve the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience."

Xbox Live allows Xbox 360 console users to download games and music and play online against other gamers.

Sony turned off its PlayStation Network and Qriocity streaming music service on April 20 after hackers stole users' data.

1 潜在的な力。可能性としての力。「事故の―を予測する」
2 重力場の中にある粒子がもつ位置エネルギーを、位置の関数で表したスカラー量。
3 ⇒電位

《 phishing 》実在する金融機関や企業などを装った偽の電子メールやウェブサイトで、クレジットカードの番号や暗証番号などの個人情報を不正入手する詐欺行為。フィッシング。

Sony: Android and Nvidia go together

Sony's adoption of Nvidia silicon for its upcoming Android tablets makes the graphics chip supplier--at least for the time being--the hardware standard for the Android tablet world, as a Sony vice president articulated in an interview in Japan on Wednesday.
"For the tablet platform, we're standardizing on Android 3.0 and Nvidia's Tegra 2," said Kunimasa Suzuki, a senior vice president at Sony in an interview with Japan-based Impress Watch.
Suzuki's comments come after Sony unveiled two Android 3.0 "Honeycomb" tablets on Tuesday. One has a 9.4-inch (1280-by-800) display and front and rear cameras, while the other is "foldable" and uses two 5.5-inch displays. Both tablets, due in the fall, will run Android 3.0 on top of Nvidia's Tegra 2 processor.
Sony's tablet, in this respect, will mimic Motorola and its Xoom tablet, which also sports Honeycomb and an Nvidia Tegra 2 processor. And others, including Toshiba, have similar Honeycomb-Nvidia tablets on the way.
Google's endorsement of Nvidia's Tegra technology early on before Android 3.0 was finalized for the Motorola Xoom has also been a big factor in giving impetus to Nvidia's silicon.
But this is not the PC industry where there is one dominant player--Intel. Large chip companies like Texas Instruments and Qualcomm also make processors based on the ARM architecture. Those chips can--and do--run Android. And add LG Electronics, which this week signed a new license agreement with ARM, to that list too.
But until that happens on a commercial Honeycomb tablet, Nvidia is the de-facto standard. So much so that Sony's Suzuki is aware that the adoption of Android and Nvidia threatens the perception of a "uniquely Sony" tablet, he said in the interview.
He spelled four areas where the Japanese company intends to distinguish itself, including "optimizing" the combination of hardware and software and focusing on "networked entertainment" in which Sony tablets can communicate with a variety of consumer devices.